
Are You Following Me on Twitter? @BeautyLookBook

November 5, 2011
I consider myself a late adopter of Twitter, and even after joining, I’m still more of a passive user. You can follow me @BeautyLookBook 🙂 I follow people, brands and retailers for good info on the latest. I can retweet interesting articles to my followers and likewise, I love the retweets from the people I follow. The upside for following me is you get sneak-peek previews of upcoming new items many times before they are reviewed. Sometimes it takes me ages to get everything photographed, swatched, tested, reviewed etc. so tweeting can help give some quick previews for those who do not want to wait. (It took me about a month to get the D&G lipstick duos up on review because I could not get home in time before the sun went down for weeks, I needed good light for the pictures!)

The latest includes some shots from Edward Bess, Dolce & Gabbana and Le Métier de Beauté (yes, more). If you get tired of my tweets (or lack of) you can always unfollow me, no hurt feelings or grudges. But I just wanted to give a little nudge to those who haven’t tried Twitter yet. Here is a gallery of recent images I’ve uploaded and tweeted. Most beauty related, but not all.

If you’re on Twitter, it’s fun to browse even if you don’t end up following people, brands, stores, companies etc. Have a happy Friday! I will be busy writing more reviews this weekend so stay tuned.

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