
What’s Your Beauty Style?

November 14, 2009

I’d be really interested to know what your beauty style is, so if you have time please tell me more about what you love and what types of brands/colors you tend to lean towards.

Here is a general list/guideline, but feel free to write whatever you’d like to about your beauty style:

1) What is your beauty style? (Natural, classic, minimalist, dramatic, trendy etc.)

2) Where do you get your beauty inspiration from?

3) What beauty product(s) do you have the most of?

4) What’s your favorite/holy grail color for (can be more than one):

  • Eyes
  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Nails
  • Other?

5) Top three favorite brands of the moment.

My answers will be posted in the comments below. I hope it’s not too soon for another survey/poll! I know many of you filled out my survey near the end of last month – I’ve read all your responses, but I haven’t yet checked out every blog listed – I’m still going through them 🙂 But thank you for telling me about yourself!

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